Friday, May 4, 2007

The 2007 Bio convention promises to be a pulse check for the global biotech market. I am impressed by the diversity of included topics: from stem cell research according to scientists, lawyers and a Hollywood actor to an art exhibit highlighting drug safety. In solidarity and subsidiarity, solutions to social issues such as drug affordability will be discussed. For example Napo Pharmaceuticals will highlight their work for providing affordable therapies to developing nations and turning plant sources into pharmaceuticals. In commemoration of National Stroke Month (May), Neurobiological Technologies will discuss their stroke treatment derived from viper venom. CytImmune Sciences, one of only nine companies testing a nanomedicine in human trials, will discuss its cancer research. The HPV vaccine concerns will be addressed as well. I am most interested to attend the bioethics tracks on “Biotechnology’s responsibility for human rights” and “The globalization of stem cell research: Bioethical challenges."

Today’s Charles Darwin, E. O. Wilson, will be presenting an education award at a fundraiser Saturday night. His keynote speech is not to be missed.

Surely this will be a rich and bold event, in keeping with the spirit of bio pioneers.